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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v3.8.1
    [FIX] Minor update to get compatible with HSE-Logger v2.1.2.
  • v3.8.0
    [FIX] handle references of cloneables (issue #158)
    [FEATURE] extend System Message with parameter "Target SP Name" (issue #159)
    [IMPROVEMENT] update to DQMH 7 (issue #160)
  • v0.0.0
  • v3.7.1
  • v3.7.0
    [IMPORTANT] This is the first release built with LabVIEW 2020. This means, the new minimal version compatible with this release is LabVIEW 2020!
    [IMPROVEMENT] improve VI Analyzer results (issue #95)
    [IMPROVEMENT] add not running error (issue #112)
    [IMPROVEMENT] allow overriding of either config_dir or data_dir (issue #115)
    [FEATURE] add helper to read encrypted strings with hse-config-ini class (issue #142)
    [FEATURE] add user defined paths (issue #144)
  • v3.6.0
    [FEATURE] New testing helper VI to search for the app source folder and return the absolute path.
    [FEATURE] New HSE-Application class method to set a different "Unit ID".
    [FEATURE] New VI "Delimited String to 1D Array".
    [IMPROVEMENT] VIs for manipulating Multicolumn Listboxes don't expext a strict typed reference.
    [IMPROVEMENT] More informative error messages in HSE-Config.
    [IMPROVEMENT] Find the app folder by providing a string with the absolute path to it.
    [FIX] Handling of relative paths in the HSE-Application class.
    [FIX] Version string clean-up.
    [FIX] Remove splash screen template (it's maintained in the HSE Application Template repository).
  • v3.5.1
    [FIX] HSE-Config INI-class reads and writes non-printable characters correct.
  • v3.5.0
    [IMPROVEMENT] Upgrade to DQMH 6.1
    [IMPROVEMENT] Upgrade to new hse-configuration class
    [FIX] shift registers in configuration class (issue #109)
    [FIX] make configuration class case insensitive (issue #113)
  • v3.4.1
    [FIX] set GenNet Protocol VIs to reentrant
    [FIX] validate GenNet modules for DQMH 6.1
  • v3.4.0
    [FEATURE] hse-gennet: add Protocol Abstraction Layer (issue #108)
    [FEATURE] hse-misc: add loop timer class
  • v3.3.4
    [IMPROVE] Add optional terminal "Title" in the "Ready for Display" system message. This change is needed for an improvement in the HSE App-Template.
    [IMPROVE] Set access scope of the hse-config "Read Root Node" accesssors from public to protected (issue #106).
  • v3.3.3
    [FIX] GenNet: support nested variants in gennet messages (issue #105)
    [FIX] GenNet: increase timeout for reading gennet messages to 4 seconds (issue #104)
  • v3.3.2
    [FIX] hse-configuration: allow IPv4-address in strings (issues #99, 100)
  • v3.3.1
    [FIX] hse-gennet: handle <DQMH> tags in error source string
  • v3.3.0
    [FEATURE] hse-configuration: add more flexible configuration classes (#91)
    [FEATURE] hse-gennet: add mechanism to extend GenNet Message Blacklist (#54)
    [IMPROVEMENT] hse-UI: add check if VI is already in subpanel to avoid flashing (#98)
  • v3.2.0
    [FEATURE] hse-misc: More "Convert string to number" VIs (issues #68, #80, #82)
    [FEATURE] hse-application: Remove popup window from init (issue #83)
    [FIX] hse-gennet: Catch and propagate errors in connection info (issue #92)
  • v3.1.1
    - [feature] [hse-misc] add helper VI to set and get multiple attributes to a variant at once (issue #55)
    - [bug] [GenNet] improve check for valid IPs (issue #86)
    - [bug] [UI Manager] don't open multiple API Tester successively (issue #90)
    - [bug] [UI Manager] remove bug which prevented opening API Tester of cloneable DQMH Modules (issue #89)
    - [feature] [UI Manager] introduce global shutdown event and use it to stop API Tester on exit (issue #88)
  • v3.1.0
    Remove database functionality from hse-libraries.
    DB_Connector DQMH Module and database engines will be maintained in the new repository hse-db.
  • v3.0.1
    rename Sys. Msg. Source and Origin
  • v3.0.0 Release: v3.0.0
    [FEATURE] Upgrade to LV2016