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[IMPORTANT] major update - this version will break with the old API
[FEATURE] implement new feature (issues #5, #8, #13)
- add basic git commands (add, branch, checkout, clean, clone, commit, config, describe, diff, log, ls-files, pull, push, reset, rev-list, show, status, tag)
- add git flow commands (feature: start, publish, finish, checkout; hotfix: start, finish; release: start, publish, track, finish)
- add advanced git commands (list staged files, list unstaged files, list untracked files, push tags, push current branch with tags, show commit info, list commit logs)
[IMPROVEMENT] remove hardcoded GitLab from Clone Repository (issue #7)
[IMPROVEMENT] allow Pull Repository to work with Main instead of Master (issue #11)
[IMPROVEMENT] wrap in lvlib (issue #14)
[FEATURE] add optional param input for more flexibility (issue #15)
[IMPROVEMENT] wire through git-api for easier use in sequence (issue #16)